The Big Five Inventory (Big 5 성격 검사)
Instructions Here are a number of characteristics that may or may not apply to you. For example, do you agree that you are someone who likes to spend time with others? Please write a number next to each statement to indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with that statement. 1=Disagree strongly 2=Disagree a little 3=Neither agree nor disagree 4=Agree a little 5=Agree strongly I see m..
유용한 연구 자료
2020. 7. 11. 23:16
최근에 올라온 글
- 탐색적 요인분석
- structural equation modeling
- R 기초
- 매개효과
- 사회심리
- 구조방정식
- 부정적 평가 두려움 척도
- 간접효과
- close relationships
- invariance test
- probing
- 소속감
- 조절분석
- Hayes
- 프로세스
- mediation
- 논문통계
- indirect effect
- Mplus
- amos
- process
- exploratory factor analysis
- process macro
- social exclusion
- multilevel
- rstudio
- moderation