Need for Cognition Scale (인지 욕구 척도)
Instructions. For each of the statements below, please indicate whether or not the statement is characteristic of you or of what you believe. For example, if the statement is extremely uncharacteristic of you or of what you believe about yourself (not at all like you), please choose 1. If the statement is extremely characteristics of you or of what you believe about yourself (very much like you)..
유용한 연구 자료
2020. 7. 7. 06:24
최근에 올라온 글
- 매개효과
- process macro
- mediation
- invariance test
- multilevel
- exploratory factor analysis
- process
- Mplus
- 구조방정식
- amos
- 간접효과
- structural equation modeling
- Hayes
- 논문통계
- 부정적 평가 두려움 척도
- 탐색적 요인분석
- 사회심리
- social exclusion
- 프로세스
- rstudio
- R 기초
- indirect effect
- 소속감
- close relationships
- probing
- moderation
- 조절분석