티스토리 뷰
Using the scale provided, please indicate how much each of the following statements reflects how you typically are.
1=Not at all
5=Very much
Total Self-Control Scale
- I am good at resisting temptation
- I have a hard time breaking bad habits.*
- I am lazy.*
- I say inappropriate things.*
- I never allow myself to lose control.
- I do certain things that are bad for me, if they are fun.*
- People can count on meto keep on schedule.
- Getting up in the morning is hard for me.*
- I have trouble saying no.*
- I change my mind fairly often.*
- I blurt out whatever is on my mind.*
- People would describe me as impulsive.*
- I refuse things that are bad for me.
- I spend too much money.*
- I keep everything neat.
- I am self-indulgent at times.*
- I wish I had more self-discipline.*
- I am reliable.
- I get carried away by my feelings.*
- I do many things on the spur of the moment.*
- I don't keep secrets very well.*
- People would say that I ahve iron self-discipline.
- I have worked or studied all night at the last minute.*
- I'm not easily discouraged.
- I'd be better off if I stopped to think before acting.*
- I engage in healthy practices.
- I eat healthy foods.
- Pleasure and fun sometimes keep me from getting work done.*
- I have trouble concentrating.*
- I am able to work effectively toward long-term goals.
- Sometimes I can't stop myself from doing something, even if I know it is wrong.*
- I often act without thinking through all the alternatives.*
- I lose my temper too easily.*
- I often interrupt people.*
- I sometimes drink or use drugs to excess.*
- I am always on time.
Brief Self-Control Scale
- I am good at resisting temptation
- I have a hard time breaking bad habits.*
- I am lazy.*
- I say inappropriate things.*
- I do certain things that are bad for me, if they are fun.*
- I refuse things that are bad for me.
- I wish I had more self-discipline.*
- People would say that I ahve iron self-discipline.
- Pleasure and fun sometimes keep me from getting work done.*
- I have trouble concentrating.*
- I am able to work effectively toward long-term goals.
- Sometimes I can't stop myself from doing something, even if I know it is wrong.*
- I often act without thinking through all the alternatives.*
* Reverse-scored items
Tangney, J. P., Baumeister, R. F., & Boone, A. L. (2004). High self-control predicts good adjustment, less pathology, better grades, and interpersonal success. Journal of Personality, 72, 271-324.
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- process
- 사회심리
- 소속감
- 매개효과
- moderation
- indirect effect
- amos
- rstudio
- Mplus
- multilevel
- 프로세스
- Hayes
- invariance test
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- 구조방정식
- 논문통계
- R 기초
- 조절분석
- close relationships
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- mediation
- process macro
- structural equation modeling
- probing
- social exclusion
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