티스토리 뷰


On the following four lines, please list the four parts of your life—the four activities in your life—that are most important to you (other than your relationship).

The most important activities in my life (other than my relationship) are:

Most important activity is: (Answer)
Second most important activity is: (Answer)
Third most important activity is: (Answer)

Fourth most important activity is: (Answer)


이하 전부 0~8, 9점 척도

0=Definitely would not consider giving up activity

4=Might consider giving up activity

8=Would definitely consider giving up activity

1. Imagine that it was not possible to engage in Activity 1 and maintain your relationship (impossible for reasons unrelated to your partner's needs or wishes; that is, it wasn't your partner's fault). To what extent would you consider giving up Activity 1? 

2. Imagine that it was not possible to engage in Activity 2 and maintain your relationship (impossible for reasons unrelated to your partner's needs or wishes; that is, it wasn't your partner's fault). To what extent would you consider giving up Activity 2?

3. Imagine that it was not possible to engage in Activity 3 and maintain your relationship (impossible for reasons unrelated to your partner's needs or wishes; that is, it wasn't your partner's fault). To what extent would you consider giving up Activity 3?


4. Imagine that it was not possible to engage in Activity 4 and maintain your relationship (impossible for reasons unrelated to your partner's needs or wishes; that is, it wasn't your partner's fault). To what extent would you consider giving up Activity 4?


activity를 쓰라고 하는 게 아니라 연구자가 직접 제공하는 등(예를 들어, 애인이 자신의 친구를 같이 만나자고 하는데 난 그 친구를 별로 좋아하지 않는다.), 변형이 가능할 듯하다. 



Van Lange, P. A. M., Rusbult, C. E., Drigotas, S. M., Arriaga, X. B., Witcher, B. S., & Cox, C. L. (1997). Willingness to sacrifice in close relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 72, 1373-1395.
