티스토리 뷰



A 14-item scale that measures how much an individual believes that others’ needs and feelings are important in social relationships, as well as how much one believes that people should help others and care for one another’s welfare.



  1. It bothers me when other people neglect my needs.
  2. When making a decision, I take other people's needs and feelings into account.
  3. I'm not especially sensitive to other people's feelings.*
  4. I don't consider myself to be a particularly helpful person.*
  5. I believe people should go out of their way to be helpful.
  6. I don't especially enjoy giving others aid.*
  7. I expect people I know to be responsive to my needs and feelings.
  8. I often go out of my way to help another person.
  9. I believe it's best not to get involved in taking care of other people's personal needs.*
  10. I'm not the sort of person who often comes to the aid of others.*
  11. When I have a need, I turn to others I know for help.
  12. When people get emotionally upset, I tend to avoid them.*
  13. People should keep their troubles to themselves.*
  14. When I have a need that others ignore, I'm hurt.


* reverse-scored items

A 7-point scale ranging from 1 (extremely uncharacteristic of me) to 7 (extremely characteristic of me)



Clark, M., Ouellette, R., Powell, M., & Milberg, S. (1987). Recipient's mood, relationship type, and helping. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 53, 94-103.
