티스토리 뷰


이 척도는 affiliation motivation, 즉 어딘가에 소속하고자 하는 동기를 측정하는 척도예요.


하위 척도는 emotional support, attention, positive stimulation, & social comparison으로 구성되어 있어요. 



Emotional Support

  • If I feel unhappy or kind of depressed, I usually try to be around other people to make me feel better.
  • I usually have the greatest need to have other people around me when I feel upset about something.
  • One of my greatest sources of comfort when things get rough is being with other people.
  • When I have not done very well on something that is very important to me, I can get to feeling better simply by being around other people.
  • During times when I have to go through something painful, I usually find that having someone with me makes it less painful.
  • It seems like whenever something bad or disturbing happens to me I often just want to be with a close, reliable friend.


  • I often have a strong need to be around people who are impressed with what I am like and what I do.
  • I mainly like to be around others who think I am an important, exciting person.
  • I often have a strong desire to get people I am around to notice me and appreciate what I am like.
  • I mainly like people who seem strongly drawn to me and who seem infatuated with me.
  • I like to be around people when I can be the center of attention.
  • I don't like being with people who may give me less than positive feedback about myself.

Positive Stimulation

  • I think being close to others, listening to them, and relating to them on a one-to-one level is one of my favorite and most satisfying pastimes.
  • Just being around others and finding out about them is one of the most interesting things I can think of doing.
  • I feel like I have really accomplished something valuable when I am able to get close to someone.
  • One of the most enjoyable things I can think of that I like to do is just watching people and seeing what they are like.
  • I would find it very satisfying to be able to form new friendships with whomever I liked.
  • I seem to get satisfaction from being with others more than a lot of other people do.
  • I think it would be satisfying if I could have very close friendships with quite a few people.
  • The main thing I like about being around other people is the warm glow I get from contact with them.
  • I think I get satisfaction out of contact with others more than most people realize.

Social Comparison

  • When I am not certain about how well I am doing at something, I usually like to be around others so I can compare myself to them.
  • I find that I often look to certain other people to see how I compare to others.
  • If I am uncertain about what is expected of me, such as on a task or in a social situation, I usually like to be able to look to certain others for cues.
  • I prefer to participate in activities alongside other people rather than by myself because I like to see how I am doing on the activity.
  • I find that I often have the desire to be around other people who are experiencing the same thing I am when I am unsure of what is going on. 

A 5-point scale (not at all true, slightly true, somewhat true, mostly true, and completely true)



Hill, A. C. (1987). Affiliation motivation: People who need people... but in different ways. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52, 1008-1018.
